StandardTitle in Chinese: Hexagon thick nuts
English Standard Name : Hexagon thick nuts
Date IssuanceDate: 1988-6-24
Implementation date ExecuteDate: 1989-1-1
First Issue Date FirstIssuance Date: 1958-10-7
Standard state StandardState: Current
Reexamination confirm the date ReviewAffirmance Date: 2010-7-28
Project Number Plan No:
Instead of country label ReplacedStandard: GB 56-1976
Be replaced country label ReplacedStandard:
Abolition of time RevocatoryDate:
Adoption of international standards No. AdoptedInternational Standard No:
Adopt standard name AdoptedInternational Standard Name:
Using degree ApplicationDegree:
Adoption of international standards AdoptedInternational Standard:
International Standard Classification (ICS): 21.060.20
China Standard Classification (CCS): J13
Standard Category StandardSort: Product
Standard Page Number ofPages:
Standard price ( yuan ) Price (¥):
Authorities Governor: China Machinery Industry Federation
Focal TechnicalCommittees: National Standardization Technical Committee fasteners
Drafting unit DraftingCommittee: Mechanical standardization p>